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Paint it Pink: Midwest Motor Shop Wireman Honors Memory of Colleague’s Daughter

Oct 29, 2021

Paint it Pink: Midwest Motor Shop Wireman Honors Memory of Colleague’s Daughter

At U. S. Steel’s Midwest Plant in Portage, Indiana, Michael Hovsepian, a CM Wireman in the plant’s Motor Shop, wanted to honor the memory of a retired colleague’s daughter who lost her battle with cancer. As he pondered how best to honor her memory during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, fate stepped in and delivered the perfect opportunity right to the Motor Shop.

Here is Michael’s story, in his own words:

Several years ago, a now-retired colleague of mine lost his daughter to cancer. To honor her memory, he painted a motor that he was rebuilding pink.

This is my first year working in the Motor Shop, and as Breast Cancer Awareness Month came around, I was thinking of painting a motor pink to continue to honor her along with others who have fought this awful disease. 

Lo and behold, the very motor that my retired colleague painted pink showed up to be rebuilt. It just seemed like fate was telling me to do this, so I decided to take his pink motor one step further. When I finished rebuilding and painting it pink, I added the Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon, too.

I shared the pictures with my retired colleague, and he thanked me for what I did. He also told me that when his original pink motor went back out to the line, word got out about why he painted it pink and in a small way brought about broader awareness.

I’m glad that I got the opportunity to continue his legacy and his daughter’s remembrance, and I will continue to do so until I retire.

Michael’s dedication and consideration of his colleague’s daughter is a beautiful example of the strong Culture of Caring that U. S. Steel employees have for each other and for our broader communities, which include our retirees.

Thank you, Michael, for sharing your story.