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U. S. Steel Leaders Voice Support for Infrastructure Investment at USW Event

Aug 16, 2021

U. S. Steel Leaders Voice Support for Infrastructure Investment at USW Event

Several senior U. S. Steel leaders attended an Aug. 16 event sponsored by the United Steelworkers called "We Supply America" designed to show the strong community support that exists in Northwest Indiana for infrastructure investment across the United States.  

Scott Buckiso (Senior Vice President & Chief Manufacturing Officer of the North American Flat-Rolled (NAFR) Segment), Dan Killeen (Vice President - U. S. Steel Gary Works), Todd Young (Vice President - Governmental Affairs), and James Van Buren (Senior Director - Labor & Employee Relations, NAFR Segment) represented U. S. Steel leadership at the event.  Also in attendance: U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, U.S. Rep. Frank Mrvan (whose district includes Gary Works and Midwest Plant), USW International President Tom Conway, and leaders of U. S. Steel's USW locals.  

Dan spoke on behalf of U. S. Steel, and in his remarks (which begin at 1:03:00 in this video) he thanked the hard-working women and men of Gary Works and Midwest Plant - and the generations who worked there before them - for making the steel that remains critical to our nation's economic security.  He explained the vital role U. S. Steel has played during the COVID-19 pandemic and how we're leading efforts to address climate change, including being the first U.S. producer to set a goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Dan concluded by stressing the need for the federal government to pass much-needed and meaningful infrastructure investment and noted U. S. Steel stands ready to supply America before the ink dries on the legislation.  

Pictures above:

Picture 1: Dan Killeen speaks to the crowd at the "We Supply America" event in Indiana.  

Picture 2:  Some of the crowd attending the Aug. 16 event.  

Picture 3: The bus the USW is taking on the road across the United States to rally support for infrastructure legislation.  

Picture 4: The "We Supply America" message lit up a building at Gary Works the night before the event.